
Harris Vitaliani is primarily a playwright and has been using dialogue to tell Absurdist stories since being exposed to Ionesco’s Rhinoceros in high school. Two of her plays, Interview and Behind the Invisible Enemy, had full productions at The 13th Street Repertory Company in New York in 2006, and in 2014 The Struggle for Equality Continues was produced in Minneapolis. Last year The Knowing Years was selected as a semi-finalist by the Play Reading Committee at Drury University, and in 2013 Slaughter of the Invisible Dog made it to a finalist position in the Fundamental Theater Project’s Mass Rhetoric: A New Works Festival. In addition to productions, Behind the Invisible Enemy won a BRIO Award from the Bronx Council on the Arts, and Interview won third place in the national New Works of Merit Playwriting Contest.

Harris Vitaliani is a contributor to the Nerve Lantern suppl. issue 1.

last updated 8-30-16