
A Sampling of Published and/or Performed Poetry

•  “Zones
Poem won third prize in the 2015 Singapore Poetry Contest and is published online in Singapore Poetry, July 20, 2015.

•  “Second Hand : Sink
Section X. of Unrequited Symbiosis: A Mitochondrial Mistranslation and Underwater Opera. Published in the online magazine, Tarpaulin Sky, September 3, 2013.

•  Verve of Verge: a puzzle play (excerpt)
Performed at the Goleta Library, April 2010. For more info, visit:
Verve of Verge.

•  “You Can Read It In Discover Magazine, May 2009
Poem published in (r)evolve, 35th Summer Writing Program Magazine, Naropa University, 2009.

•  “Decimate Your Percentiles: A Dyke Tragedy (origins best left undisclothed)
Performance text published in the journal el pobre mouse, Issue 2. 2005.

Complete poem published in the online magazine, the muse apprentice guild, Spring 2003. (Magazine no longer accessible online.)

•  “Cellular” (Scene One)
One-act play published in the journal Chain 9: dialogue. Summer 2002.

•  “A Performance to Undo
Poem published in the online magazine, For Immediate Release, Vol. II, Number 5, May 2002.

•  “Lack Luster
Poem published in the journal Bombay Gin, Issue 28. 2002.

•  “Clippings
Performed by The Subliminables at the People’s Summit on Globalization, University of Colorado, Boulder, March 8, 2001.