
Unpublished Manuscripts

And You: the official handbook

Unrequited Symbiosis: a Mitochondrial Mistranslation & Underwater Opera

Verve of Verge: a puzzle play

Moving Potential for Noncenter



Keeping the X. Poems and drawings by Laura-Marie Taylor and Ellen Redbird. Goleta: Pyriform Press. 2017.

Girl Holding Onto My Legs. Collage poems. Goleta: Pyriform Press. 2013.

Candescent Ashes. Poems & visual art. Boulder: Pyriform Press. 2001.

Auto-Aquatica. Poems & found images. Boulder: Pyriform Press. 2001.

WHEN. Art book of poems. Boulder: Pyriform Press. 2001.

Day of No Contradictions: a performance book for binaries. Poems & visual art. Boulder: Pyriform Press. 2001.

Make Apart. Performance texts and visual art. Boulder: Pyriform Press. 2001.

Mutinous Offshoot. Poetry. Boulder: Pyriform Press. 2000.

Four. Poetry. Boulder: Pyriform Press. 2000.

External Organs. Poetry. Boulder: Pyriform Press. 2000.

A Guide to Avian Field Theory. Poetry. Boulder: Pyriform Press. Published under the name Ellen Weiss. 2000.

Hold Sway. Poems & visual art. Published under the name Ellen Weiss. Boulder: Unsung Press, 2000.