An Afternoon of Sparking Poetry: Video Chapters

Note: If a video becomes choppy, try reloading the webpage and play the video again.

Nerve Lantern Show, July 19, 2014, Chapter 1 of 9: Intro by Kris Lew

from the Nerve Lantern channel on YouTube.

Nerve Lantern Show, July 19, 2014, Chapter 2 of 9: Allan Andre

from the Nerve Lantern channel on YouTube.

Nerve Lantern Show, July 19, 2014, Chapter 3 of 9: Joel Allegretti, Maggie Dubris, Kris Lew

from the Nerve Lantern channel on YouTube.

Nerve Lantern Show, July 19, 2014, Chapter 4 of 9: Kim Essex

from the Nerve Lantern channel on YouTube.

Nerve Lantern Show, July 19, 2014, Chapter 5 of 9: Magus Magnus

from the Nerve Lantern channel on YouTube.

Nerve Lantern Show, July 19, 2014, Chapter 7 of 9: Kris Lew

from the Nerve Lantern channel on YouTube.

Nerve Lantern Show, July 19, 2014, Chapter 8 of 9: John J. Trause

from the Nerve Lantern channel on YouTube.

Nerve Lantern Show, July 19, 2014, Chapter 9 of 9: Aimee Herman & Trae Durica

from the Nerve Lantern channel on YouTube.